The ultimate life wiki.

Financials page contains a list of fixed monthly expenses (house, internet, ...) and subscriptions (netflix, gym, ...), at the bottom I post screenshots with graphs from an app I use on my phone (Mobills -

I've only started to fill up this page the last few days, I shared it with my girlfriend and this way we can keep track of stuff we would like to buy. We can both use this page for ideas for gifts too.
This is my first info page, i've got a simple ubuntu server running with plex, previously i stored everything in chrome bookmarks and google docs but Notion seems a great place to keep this kind of info for future usage.

For my I got 1 parent page which contains all the tasks and then I got 1x personal page which has the same database but filtered on personal group and 1 for work. I did this so I could have a page with all my tasks personal and work but i'm thinking about splitting them back up because of the tags and i don't really check the parent page. Most of my personal tasks contain stuff i wanna do in the house of things I should buy.

Bullet Journal
Now my last 2 pages which i've had the most trouble with setting up and only finished last week but i'm very happy with the results, it's still incomplete but these are my favorite 2 pages so far. I always to track things i've done of should've done, when searching the internet i came across the bullet journals and I liked the idea but i'm developer so I like to keep my stuff on apps and my computer so I tried to figure how I could implement this in notion and this is the result.

Monthly Log

Weekly Log

Habit Tracker
This is my habit tracker for the month or stuff I should do (give calcium to my bearded dragon), i'm still trying to figure out which stuff i want to track, I might add a cleaning tracker on my year log or make use of a tag so I filter better.

Made with ❤️ and Super ⚡️